Hi, I’m Ivanna. I share my story, experiences, and how God has worked in my life to help and encourage others. Here, you’ll find practical tips and ideas for personal growth, wellness, and faith. Learn more about me here and read the latest below. Thank you for visiting; I hope you find something helpful here today.


Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

How To Have Peace Of Mind

As crazy as the world can get, we must take steps to protect our peace of mind as much as possible. This is not to say we should ignore what’s happening in the world and forget about everyone struggling or going through hard things. But if we are overtaken by anxiety, we will be too stressed and overwhelmed to do anything to help. Here are some

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

4 Ways To Boost Your Mood

Over the years, I’ve found some activities that boost my mood when I’m feeling down, and I want to share them with you so you can also try them when you feel down. If you believe you may have a severe mood disorder, talk to your doctor to get professional help, and don’t suffer alone.

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Personal Growth Ivanna Baron Personal Growth Ivanna Baron

Enjoy Your Life Now

If we were asked to look at our lives and measure our satisfaction with them, I believe most of us could agree that there is something we want more of. More money, time, status, space, and so on. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting more in life, from time to time, we should

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

Houseplants For Beginners

I’ve always loved how plants looked and made an atmosphere feel. Just a few years ago, I was a person who believed I could not keep a plant alive. But instead of giving up on having houseplants, I decided to research them and learn which plants are the easiest to care for.

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Personal Growth Ivanna Baron Personal Growth Ivanna Baron

The Benefits of a Morning Routine

My morning routine is precious to me. It’s a part of my day that impacts the rest of my day, so I truly cherish it. I start with making a cup of coffee (of course), followed by reading and meditating on a few verses from the bible, praying, and writing in my journal.

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

The Benefits of Decluttering

Several years ago, I decided to embrace a minimalist lifestyle and completely decluttered my home. This was a time when I experienced high levels of anxiety and stress, and I believe having so much stuff attributed to that anxiety. Since decluttering and adopting a minimalist lifestyle, I’m less stressed

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

The Benefits Of Walking

I walk for 30-60 minutes most days of the week. I enjoy how walking makes me feel and love that it has been proven to have many fantastic health and wellness benefits. Today, I want to share some of the benefits of walking and how you can get the most out of your walking routine.

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Ivanna Baron Ivanna Baron

How I Started Trusting God With My Mental Health

One of my goals is to always be transparent and honest about my experiences. On this website, on my social platforms, and in life, I share my story, experiences, and how God has worked in my life to help and encourage others. I’ve talked about my experiences with anxiety and depression here and there, but I’ve never discussed how it all started for me.

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Personal Growth Ivanna Baron Personal Growth Ivanna Baron

Why I Take Social Media Breaks

I’ve tried to quit social media many times, but I’ve always been drawn back to it. The main reasons I’ve stayed or returned to social media are for my friends, my family, blog readers, and the two people other than my husband who comment something nice on my posts. I love to feel like I’m positively impacting.

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

How To Stay Motivated To Exercise

Exercise has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. It has helped me through some very dark times. I exercise daily and use it for mental and physical health. I understand that only some people are naturally drawn to or motivated to exercise. Today I’m sharing three tips for getting started and staying motivated to exercise.

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

Mental Health Resources

When I first experienced an anxiety attack, I wanted to learn everything I could about it and what could be causing it so I could feel better and more like myself again. This was back in 2009, and the information I received was in printouts from my behavioral therapist.

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Personal Growth Ivanna Baron Personal Growth Ivanna Baron

Journaling Ideas For Beginners

Journaling has been a part of my daily routine for many years, and I have benefited mentally and emotionally from keeping a journal. Journaling helps me process my thoughts and feelings by putting them on paper. Sometimes when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I’ll grab my journal and write out everything I think and feel.

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Faith Ivanna Baron Faith Ivanna Baron

How To Read The Bible More

It’s a goal of mine to read the Bible every day. Most of the time, I do, but that only came after I created a reading habit and understood why I was reading it. Today I want to share some tips that may help you create a Bible-reading habit and read the Bible more consistently.

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Wellness Ivanna Baron Wellness Ivanna Baron

How To Create A Wellness Routine

Being “well” or achieving wellness requires consistently implementing healthy habits, even small ones, that add up over time. This includes regular exercise, healthy eating, rest, time with family and friends, and eating good food. Once we switch mindsets and understand wellness is a lifestyle, we can find joy in caring for our bodies.

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