How To Start Journaling
Journaling has been a part of my daily routine for many years, and I have benefited mentally and emotionally from keeping a journal. Journaling helps me process my thoughts and feelings by putting them on paper. Sometimes when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I’ll grab my journal and write out everything I think and feel. I usually feel better afterward and have more peace and clarity.
When I tell people that I journal, sometimes their response is, “I want to try journaling, but I’m not a writer, or I don’t know what to write.” The cool thing about journaling is there aren’t any rules, and you don’t have to be a great writer to do it; you put what’s in your mind onto paper. You can doodle or make lists in your journal; it’s up to you! Below are some journaling ideas to get you started.
Journal Goals Or A Health Journey
Journaling your goals is a great way to see them visually on paper, making them more real. Once you journal your goals, make it a habit to review them often and cross them off as you complete them. This creates a sense of accomplishment and motivates us to pursue our goals.
If you’re on a health and fitness journey, write about it in your journal. You can write down your progress, the areas where you want to improve, and the emotions you’re feeling along the way.
Journal A Gratitude List
According to an article from Harvard Health: “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” I agree with this! Something is terrific about seeing all of your blessings on paper.
When journaling your gratitude list, including even the small things you’re grateful for, you may forget about, such as clean running water and a good Wi-Fi signal!
Journal Fond Memories
If you’ve done something extraordinary lately, you can document it in your journal; you can even print out photos from your experience and tape them near your journal entry. It’s always fun to reminisce on good times, and journaling is a great way to do that.
Journal Bible Verses
Take some time, think about the bible verses that have helped and inspired you, and write them down in your journal. This will give you quick access to them so you can meditate on them often. You could even journal them onto flashcards and make reading them a part of your daily routine.
I hope this has inspired you to give journaling a try.