Ivanna Baron

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Houseplants For Beginners

I’ve always loved how plants looked and made an atmosphere feel. Just a few years ago, I was a person who believed I could not keep a plant alive. But instead of giving up on having houseplants, I decided to research them and learn which plants are the easiest to care for.

Since then, I have become somewhat of a “plant lady” and a person that people often turn to for plant care advice. Today, I wanted to share some of the house plants that I found to be the easiest to take care of when I first started with plants. But first, why should you have houseplants?

Having plants in your home has been proven to have several science-backed benefits, including stress relief, improved mood, and improved air quality indoors. Those things alone were enough to make me want to have a plant or two in my home. Below are just some of my plants :)

These are some of the plants I’ve found to be the best houseplants for beginners. I’ll also include a link to where you can get one if you decide to!

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Pothos Plant

The pothos plant is one of the easiest plants to take care of and doesn’t require a lot of light, so it’s great for apartment living or keeping on your desk at work. These plants are extremely low-maintenance and easy to propagate (create a new plant from). I’ve made three new plants from one I’ve had for years Get one here.

Monstera Deliciosa

The monstera plant is another beauty that I found easy to care for. It grows like crazy when it’s happy, and I’ve been able to propagate this one as well. Keep it near a window, and it will grow fast and full. I try to keep mine in the same place so it can get comfortable. Get one here.

Snake Plant

The snake plant was one of the very first plants I bought, and believe it or not, I have the same one years later, and it is strong and thriving. To be honest, I rarely do anything to this plant, and it does fine. Snake plants do well in low light and without much watering. It’s ok with being left alone. Get one here.

Check out the houseplant page on The Spruce website. It has a ton of helpful information about caring for plants. I also downloaded an app called “Picture This” from the app store. With this app, you can take a photo of any plant, flower, or even flowers you find in nature, and it gives you all the details about the plant, including whether it’s healthy and what you need to do if it’s not.

I hope you find this helpful for selecting your new houseplant. Let me know in the comments which plant you like most.